They shall mount up with wings as eagles…

Archive for December, 2011

Free Math Curriculum

I’ve known about this curriculum for sometime now, and have just not used it because the kids were happy with what we had been using.  Now that we have Zion starting out fresh and new, I thought we’d give it a try.  It is called MEP Mathematics Enhancement Programme .  It is a math curriculum developed in Hungary, and from what I have looked at, has a lot of hands on activities. (at least at the Reception level which is roughly equivalent to Kindergarten here).  The directions do not recommend starting until age 5, so don’t be tempted to start too soon.

Zion is starting his lesson one part one which is free play.  He chose Legos.  He will also be looking at a picture of a family soon, using the people to count, identify colors/size, and what they are doing.  Afterwards, he will be drawing sticks to represent numbers 1 through 5.  I like that they are doing 1 stick for the number one, rather than just teaching how to write the number 1, so that he can see that “1” means one something, not just a figure on the paper. I have a feeling that Israel will be joining in on a lot of the math activites.